
Clandeboye Golf Club

Entrant List for Social Mixes Greensomes Ava

66 players have been signed up for this competition as of 9:32 PM Wednesday 12th March

Ivor Abernethy (38.4)
Andrew Adair (3.5)
Arnold Andrews (20.2)
Siobhan Andrews (22.0)
Andy Barnes (3.9)
Carol Beers (25.6)
John Beers (32.5)
Jack Bennett (23.3)
Aimee Blair (13.1)
Hollie Blair (49.0)
Oliver Blair (18.4)
James Brooks (Carnalea Golf Club)
John Cherry (16.1)
Pamela Chittick (15.0)
Geoff Clarke (12.2)
Jacqueline Clarke (51.3)
Heather Clouden (17.0)
Neil Clouden (27.9)
Carol Considine (36.1)
John Considine (38.1)
Fred Daly (13.4)
Tanya Daly (18.6)
Emma Derby (31.1)
Alistair Dickson (14.5)
Susie Dickson (28.3)
Brian Dobbin (8.6)
Carol Dobbin (26.6)
Margaret England (10.8)
Mark Gilmore (22.8)
Wendy Gregory (18.2)
Anna Gullen (19.1)
John Gullen (27.2)
Benjamin Hopps (11.5)
Kateryna Houston (27.5)
Russell Houston (25.0)
Arlette Maginnes (Bangor Golf Club)
Mimi Mc Alinden (26.7)
Alice McAlister (31.9)
Bill McAlister (17.1)
Paul Trevor Mccallum (13.0)
Alison Mccloskey (6.5)
Elaine McCrea (25.6)
Owen McCrea (20.3)
Mark Mcgimpsey (21.3)
Sharon Mcgimpsey (22.7)
Lynne McKeown (25.5)
Neil Mckeown (7.8)
Andrea Millar (Bangor Golf Club)
Gary Millar (Bangor Golf Club)
Colin Morrow (18.6)
Scarlett Morrow (54.0)
Gillian Murphy (8.3)
Jacqui Patterson (22.5)
Diane Pourgholi (30.5)
Mo Pourgholi (27.3)
Trevor Reid (16.4)
Phyllis Richardson (24.6)
Joyce Ritchie (22.6)
Arnold Robinson (15.3)
Gareth Robinson (9.2)
Temra Robinson (41.3)
Jeff Smyth (17.5)
Owen Trainor (28.3)
Sheila Trainor (34.9)
Sarah Uprichard (20.0)
Peter White (11.8)

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